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Ship Alarm Systems

Are you Safe with Our Ship Alarm Systems?

Böning ship alarm systems give signals when dysfunction occurs in any of the ship's devices and systems. They can also be used in the event of a fire outbreak, grounding, collision, and other worst-case scenarios requiring evacuation of the vessel.

Böning Company has developed a system where you can see all of the ship's operations integrated into the alarm system with full diagnostic capabilities. Additionally, our display has a page displaying all alarms with detail, made for clear analysis and prioritization of all issues. We have also enabled remote updates so that you can be made aware of alarm triggers no matter where you are.

We can also wire in a speaker system so that anyone on board can hear essential alarms. Other than status warning alarms for tank levels and engine functions, other notices are available. These include general alarm, man overboard alarm, fire alarm, and abandon ship alarm.

Luxury Is Yours with Böning Modern Yacht Automation

Yacht automation at Böning involves the installation of integrated alarm, monitoring, and control systems. We use modern communications media, giving the skipper access to data relevant to the ship's safety and operations. These media include ultra-friendly touch screens and several redundant safety systems. There are also customary panel PCs, which come in the following sizes: 24'', 19'', 15'', and 10''. They enable the monitoring and automation of various ship features, such as hydraulics, trim tabs, thrusters, fluid transfer, windshield wiping, and data logging.

Remote access to your yacht is enabled using the AHD-WNA system. With this, you can send commands to your ship from any location by simply logging into your system through a web browser. Every system access is password protected. Additional safety measures available include disabled start and stop operations from areas other than inside the yacht.

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